Monday, February 16, 2009

Getting to Know you

1. My friend call me (Cannon Ball). My mummy call me naughty boy.
2. I loves colouring. I am good at running.
3. My weakness are I cannot sit too long and cannot concentrate on my studies. I loves to talk alot. I hope that I can improve my studies and dont talk so much.
4. My favourite TV show is Mr BEAN. I find his actions very funny.
5. I loves my baby brother Eldrick alot. He is cute and handsome and has curly hair.

Activities outside school

I do not have any outside activites. Everyday after school I will go home. After bathing i will take my dinner and self study until 10pm then i go to bed. During weekends, my mummy will bring to my grandma house to do visiting. Every sunday, we will have family day. My daddy will bring me go cycling, swimming, feed fish and catch small longkang fish etc.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009